קבוצות עניין – ניתוח יישומי של התנהגות

ניתוח יישומי של התנהגות מתפרש על פני תחומים רבים. בסיס הידע הנובע ממחקר יישומי רלוונטי לשיפור איכות חיינו בתחומים רבים. הרשימה המצורפת מהווה קישור לקבוצות עניין המאגדות חוקרים וקלינאים המשתפים ידע ולבטים בתחום עיסוקם. אנו ממליצים לעיין במידע זה, בעיקר באותם תחומים בהם הנכם מתעניינים.



ABAI's special interest groups (SIGs) represent the diversity of our members' interests; there are 36affiliated SIGs, and more are added each year. ABAI considers SIGs an integral part of the association and values their contributions to ABAI membership, events, and publications by providing multiple opportunities for interaction, networking, and communication. Please contact the SIGs in the list below that interest you.

  • The Applied Animal Behavior SIG brings together individuals who specialize or have an interest in the application of behavior analysis to the appreciation, understanding, and management of animal behavior across species in applied settings.
  • The Autism SIG brings together individuals who specialize or have an interest in the application of behavior analysis to the education and treatment of those with autism across the lifespan.
  • The Behavior Analysis and the Arts SIG promotes empirical exploration and understanding of the relation between behavior analysis and the arts.
  • The Behavior Analysis and Selectionist Robotics SIG brings together researchers, practitioners, and engineers working with robots and interested in robotics work from a selectionist perspective.
  • The Behavior Analysis and Technology SIG aims to advance the science of behavior through the development, dissemination, and application of technology in basic and applied settings
  • The Behavior Analysis for Sustainable Societies SIG advances applications of behavior analysis to environmental issues that contribute to the development of solutions to climate change, pollution, overconsumption of resources, and imbalances in environmental sustainability.
  • The Behavior Analysis in Military and Veterans' Issues SIG is devoted to the application of behavior analysis to U.S. and U.K. military and veterans' issues.
  • The Behavior Analyst Online SIG develops and deploys new resources, making them available on the Internet free of charge to the public. These resources are dedicated to educating the public about behavior analysis as well as serving as sources for professionals involved in research and/or application of principles of behavior analysis.
  • The Behavioral Gerontology SIG provides intellectual, clinical, and organizational support to other professionals interested in aging and fosters behavior analytic research in aging.
  • The Behavioral Medicine SIG fosters a greater understanding of the impact of behavior analysis on behavioral medicine.
  • The Behaviorists for Social Responsibility SIG acts to expand applications of behavior analysis and cultural analysis addressing social issues, particularly those with social justice, human rights, and environmental implications.
  • The Clinical SIG facilitates collaboration of researchers and clinicians in furthering development and application of applied behavior analysis in clinical populations.
  • The Crime, Delinquency, and Forensic Behavior Analysis SIG supports behavior analysts interested in crime prevention and the treatment of offenders to prevent recidivism, lessen the burden on our prison system, save society money, and overall reduce crime and the damage it does to families.
  • The Direct Instruction SIG promotes direct instruction research and practice within the field of behavior analysis.
  • The Dissemination of Behavior Analysis SIG disseminates the science of human behavior to the public at large through the promulgation of easy to understand explanations of what exactly this science is, and helps society realize the potential of this science as well as dispel myths that detract from its positive image.
  • The Ethics and Behavior Analysis SIG has the mission to enhance the current state of and provide recommendations for ethical conduct for all individuals who use the title "behavior analyst."
  • The Evidence-Based Practice SIG promotes socially important behavior by facilitating research to practice in real-world settings.
  • The Experimental Analysis of Human Behavior SIG promotes basic experimental and translational research with human participants.
  • The Gambling SIG fosters and promotes research on gambling and treatments for problem gambling from a behavioral perspective.
  • The Health, Sport, and Fitness SIG supports research in and application of behavior analytic methods, practices, and principles to human challenges in health, sport, and fitness.
  • The History of Behavior Analysis SIG advances behavior analysis, nationally and internationally, through knowledge and an understanding of its history.
  • The Human Development SIG provides peer-reviewed scientific information of interest to the behavioral community, including research in cognitive development, child emotional development, developmental theory, and socialization.
  • The Multicultural SIG: Multicultural Alliance of Behavior Analysts connects behavior analysts who have interest and/or experience in serving multicultural/minority populations, whether they be ethnic, religious, geographic, socioeconomic, etc.
  • The Neuroscience SIG brings together researchers, academics, clinicians, and students interested in the intersection of behavior analysis and neuroscience as it relates to basic research, clinical interventions, or general neurological dysfunction.
  • The Organizational Behavior Management Network SIG develops, enhances, and supports the growth and vitality of organizational behavior management through research, education, practice, and collaboration.
  • The Pediatric Feeding Disorders SIG aims to generate interest; foster collaborative research; share clinical information; and impact training and practice in, as well as reimbursement for the treatment of, pediatric feeding disorders.
  • The Positive Behavior Support SIG promotes research-based strategies that combine applied behavior analysis and biomedical science with person-centered values and systems change to increase quality of life and decrease problem behaviors.
  • The Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG aims to establish behavior analysis as a unique clinical practice, as well as to support federal, local, and state initiatives including but not limited to the licensing of behavior analysts.
  • The Rehabilitation and Independent Living SIG provides opportunities for education, advocacy, and networking to professionals in behavior analysis with an interest in rehabilitation.
  • The Sexual Behavior: Research and Practice SIG promotes empirically verifiable sex therapy and education techniques and materials, as well as behavior analytic research into human sexuality.
  • SIG Español disseminates the principles of behavior analysis to Spanish-speaking members of ABAI as well as the entire Spanish-speaking community.
  • The Speech Pathology SIG promotes dissemination of behaviorally oriented speech and language research/application of evidence-based practices to speech and language professionals.
  • The Standard Celeration Society SIG promotes standard measurement and monitoring of behavior frequencies and their celerations.
  • The Teaching Behavior Analysis SIG aims to improve the teaching and learning of the principles and applications of behavior analysis in any setting where those activities occur.
  • The Theoretical, Philosophical, and Conceptual Issues SIG is dedicated to theoretical, philosophical, and conceptual issues in behavior analysis specifically and the sciences generally.
  • The Verbal Behavior SIG supports a behavioral approach to the study of language, especially as explored by B. F. Skinner.

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